Friday, January 23, 2009

Kadima  / Bilingual School Newsletter
January 19, 2009 / Tevet 23, 5769

As we continue with the new year 2009 we mark the halfway point of the
school year here at Netivot Shalom.  A number of exciting holidays are
drawing closer: Tu B'Shevat on Sunday night February 8th through
Monday February 9th and Purim on Monday night March 9th and Tuesday
March 10th.  There will be a congregational Tu B'Shevat Seder on 2/8
(for ages 12 and up) and a full evening of family and kids activities
on 3/9. Please mark your calendars.  We have some great programs and
special events coming up within the next few weeks; I look forward to
seeing you soon.

Kol tuv (all the best),

R' Shalom Bochner, Director of Life Long Learning at Netivot Shalom

Table of Contents

Tuesday 1/20 6-7 pm Participatory Pre-Purim Planning FREE Family Dinner Meeting

Revised Kadima School Schedule

New 5th - 6th Grade class project

Family Dinner on 1/30?

Youth Night IV  1/31/09

2/1 Rick Recht Concert

1. Tuesday 1/20 6-7 pm Participatory Pre-Purim Planning FREE Family
Dinner Meeting

Please join us for a delicious and free dinner for the whole family!
After dinner the kids can play or get a start on homework and we'll
have a brief meeting about Purim and our annual school fundraisers.
We need your ideas and your enthusiasm!  Hope you can be there.

2. New School Schedule

We have made some improvements in the school schedule including a
longer 20 minute snack and recess break in the Kadima School 3rd - 6th
Grades, a new Tefillah and Parshah HaShavuah discussion in the 1st -
2nd Grades Bilingual Program, and a  new Midrash through Movies and
Drama curriculum in 5th-6th Grades (see below). Please contact the
school office if you have any questions.

3. New 5th - 6th Grade class project

Our oldest students in the Kadima School program will now be learning
about Sefer Shmot (Book of Exodus) and Midrashim (Rabbinic
explanations and stories) using "The Prince of Egypt" and "The 10
Commandments" as examples of modern Midrashim to be compared to the
traditional Midrashim.  After comparing these different versions and
expansions on the Biblical narrative, the class will be creating their
own dramatic presentation of the story to be performed later in the
year.   This will be a unique program geared towards the skills and
age of this class.  We are looking for an interested parent or
congregant with a background with performing arts and/or theater to
assist the class in creating a script and a performance. Please be in

4. Family Dinner on 1/30

We are hoping to have our next monthly family dinner on Friday night
1/30.  This would be for K through 6th grades and follow the
successful format of this fall's Shabbat dinners:  appetizers,
welcoming Shabbat with songs, dinner, followed by a story, and plenty
of time to shmooze, get to know the other families better,  and enjoy
each other's company. We are looking for a few volunteers who could
organize this as a pot-luck or volunteer to make some food on Thursday
night or Friday.  Interested?  Please be in touch as soon as possible
so we can make this event happen.

5. Youth Night IV  1/31/09

Youth Night IV: Saturday evening, January 31 from 7:00-10 pm at
Netivot Shalom.  $12 per kid.  Netivot Shalom's youth in grades 1-6
have a party while their parents get a date night, with Ga-Ga,
Ping-Pong, Dance Dance Revolution, Ice Cream Sundaes, Arcade Bowling &
Pinball and a Giant Projected Movie.  Sponsored by the Youth Ed
Committee.  Let us know if you have not received the E-vite for this
fun program

6. 2/1 Rick Recht Concert

An extraordinary, uplifting community-wide concert at Netivot Shalom
for people of all ages with one of the most celebrated artists on
Jewish music today; come and be inspired by the positive values of
Judaism!  Opening act: Rabbi Menachem Creditor.  Sunday, February 1st,
4:00 pm.  Tickets on sale at   $10/adults,
$6 for children (age 12 and under).

Rabbi Shalom Bochner
Director of Life Long Learning Congregation Netivot Shalom
510-549-9447 ext. 104

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