Thursday, August 7, 2008

Introducing Shalom Bochner, our new Director of LifeLong Learning

As the new Director of LifeLong Learning at Netivot Shalom, I am extremely excited to be a part of this community and grow the educational opportunities available through the congregation for all children and adults! 

I bring to this new position a passion for meaningful Judaism filled with a love for the yearly holiday cycle, Jewish history, texts, tefillah, and being a part of a vibrant community.  For the last eight years I have worked at Santa Cruz Hillel in various positions as their Executive Director, Campus Rabbi and, Director of Jewish Campus Life.  Previously, I  taught third, fourth, and fifth grade Judaic Studies at the Yavneh Hebrew Day School (Solomon Schechter) in Los Gatos where I was also in charge of daily Tefillah and holiday celebrations.  I am a former Education Director for Congregation Sinai in San Jose and the Regional and Youth Director for the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism in the Pacific Northwest and Northern California. My formative Jewish experiences happened at Hebrew School and summer camp and I have spent many years working at and directing summer camps including Camp Givah in upstate New York, Camp Ramah in Wisconsin, and Camp Solomon Schechter in Olympia, Washington. In my free time I love camping, hiking, biking, listening to and playing music (guitar and drums).

It's been a wonderful experience to move here with my family.  We have been welcomed so warmly by the congregation and our neighbors. I am looking forward to meeting everyone and hearing your ideas about all of our educational programs:  Kadima Hebrew Bilungual (K-2nd Grade), Kadima Religious School (3rd - 6th Grade), Amitim (B'nai Mitzvah), Shabbat B'Yachad and Rimonim on Saturday morning, Rosh Chodesh, Preschool, Midrasha, and the extensive Adult Ed offerings.  I also hope to create a lively Shabbat morning program for third grade and up in addition to expanding and improving the existing programs.  This is clearly an exciting time for Netivot Shalom and I am honored to learn alongside all of you as we put into action the ancient words of Ben Bag Bag (Pirke Avot 5:24):  "Turn it [Torah], turn it, for everything is in it; look deeply into it, grow old and gray over it, do not depart from it. There is no better portion in life than this."  As we work together to fully envision what our lifelong Jewish educational paths should look like here, we know that we can draw on the strengths of tradition, innovation, creativity, and celebration.  I am delighted to walk these sacred and joyous paths together with you.

Shalom Bochner

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